中文 (Chinese translation)
欢迎来到我的网址。我的爱好是收集口香糖包装。有可能,您对我的爱好有兴趣。若是,我相信, 您能够在我的网站找到很多有用的东西并成为它的长期访问者。
口香糖有特色的包装. 包装被称为垃圾但收集者与别人意见分歧。我是口香糖包装的收集者。口香糖收集有几个方面:
There are not many people in the world who like to collect chewing gum packaging, but because of the Internet I have the opportunity to meet and keep in touch with collectors from other countries (Czech, Germany, America, Geely, Japan, Korea). Although collecting packaging and wrapping paper was popular thirty years ago, there are not many collectors today in Russia and the CIS countries. A few years ago, that started to change, to my delight.
To emphasize the Czech Republic as it is common to collect chewing gum packaging in this country, there is a single group in the Prague Collectors Club of which I am a member. I know a lot of Czech collectors and in 2011 I got Czech to meet them (№07-12). By the way, the biggest collections are all in the Czech Republic.
After Czech, I visited Japan in 2013 and met many Japanese collectors. In Japan, June 1st is the Chewing Gum Festival (No. 13-19), and I participated in "TV Asahi" during the celebration.
My collection is heavily influenced by Japanese topics, because my collection started with Japan...Japan is at the top of my collection. Due to the form of the gum board, the product is wonderful, with various themes, dedicated to filmmakers, video games and comic books, Korea and China are interested in us. I have been to Korea, but not China. Hope to have the opportunity to come. But because China is so big, buying interesting things is complicated. Sometimes, in other countries you can buy Chinese chewing gum that is not available in China. I bought Chinese gum in Cambodia myself and then received the same from Mongolia, but these countries have never made gum. At least, no collector has it. Although there are many countries that do not produce chewing gum, I am very happy because recently Ethiopia and Nepal (№20-21) started to produce chewing gum.
Chewing gum was first manufactured and sold by American John Curtis in the mid-19th century. I have a box of chewing gum (№6) dated February 14, 1871. This is the oldest specimen in my collection. I also have packaging made at the turn of the 19th-20th century (№22-23). Most of my collection is chewing gum packaging bought in 40 years. There are collectors collecting the only pre-war copy until 1940. I add to my collection by communicating with other collectors, but sometimes it's also possible to find and buy small or old collections, but lately it's hard. People have sent me their collections.
I also collect other things (coins, stamps, phone cards, cigarette boxes, chocolate wrappers, etc.) to be able to exchange these items for packaging. For example, I collected the Samara Transport Token (№24) full set and created a website: "Traffic Tokens in Samara." I also have calling cards and chocolate wrappers, but because of the large number, I don't A website will be created. I don't have time to build my own full catalog of chewing gum packaging on the internet, let alone other types of collectibles. I bought new chewing gum packs in domestic stores when it was popular abroad, but it was difficult for the stores in my country to find something that was of interest to me. I actively use online auctions to buy new things.
Please introduce, I live in Samara, married, have a daughter and granddaughter.
Are you a collector? Is your collection different from mine? Would you like to start a mutually beneficial exchange with me? Do you have old gum wrappers? I hope to have a long-term cooperation with you! Please contact me if you have any questions.