HWelcome to the website for collectors of chewing gum wrappers. If you visit this site
If you happen to open it, do not leave it immediately. My hobby – “collection of
Chewing gum wrappers” may be interesting for you.
As a product, chewing gum has its individual packaging, from a small paper to the
Vending machine. I am a collector of these items “chewing gum” (further “KG”). In the
In general, there are several types of collection of “chewing gum” items:
-Papers and packages (excluding KG) (№1).
-Inserts (pictures in the package) (№2).
-Packs of the KG (unopened, with KG) (№3).
-items related to KG (vending machines, sales equipment, advertising products, etc.) (№4).
Our topic is not so widespread in the world, but the Internet gave the opportunity to get acquainted and interact with colleagues from different parts of the world. I made friendly contacts with colleagues from the Czech Republic, USA, Chile, Japan and Korea. In Russia and former republics of the USSR there are few collectors, although earlier in the 70-80s collecting envelopes and inserts of chewing gum became popular. But a few years back the situation began to change and we observed the revival of our collectors, both old and young, and that makes me very happy. I would particularly like to recognize the Czech Republic. It's strange, but our topic is very widespread in this country, there is even a single section in the Prague Collectors' Club, and I am also a member of it. I have known many Czech collectors through correspondence since pre-internet times. In 2011 I managed to communicate with them in reality when I spent a week traveling through different cities in the Czech Republic where my colleagues live (№07-12). By the way, the largest collections in terms of numbers are in the Czech Republic.
I add to my collection mainly after swapping with colleagues, but sometimes I manage to find small old collections through advertisements and buy them, but in recent years this has been a great rarity.
I should also get involved in other types of collecting so that I can trade with collectors of other types (coins, stamps, phone cards, cigarette boxes, chocolate envelopes, etc.). Such simultaneous collecting also leads to enthusiasm. But it is more about storing the exchange inventory than collecting it. If it is necessary to abandon what has been saved in favor of swapping on the main topic, I will undoubtedly do so. And for today I have a complete collection of transport tokens of the city of Samara (№24). I've also had success with phone cards and chocolate envelopes, but because of the sheer volume of copies I'm unlikely to feature them online. I have little time to fully catalog my gum wrappers on the internet, let alone other types of collecting. The collection is also replenished as a result of purchases of new chewing gum during trips abroad and purchases in our stores. But such novelties are very rare, although in recent years Russian manufacturers of chewing gum have been pleased. These purchases are particularly useful for supplementing the exchange inventory. I also use Internet auctions very actively for new purchases.
Are you the collector? Do you have other collecting themes? Would you like to make a mutually beneficial exchange with me? Do you have the old collection of gum wrappers? I am ready for any cooperation. Please feel free to contact me in any way and I will be sure to respond.