Kiteretsu Daihyakka 1988-1996 Kiteretsu Encyclopedia Энциклопедия Китерэцу キテレツ大百科 Wikipedia
Юная волшебница Лалабель (1980) Lalabel the Magic Girl Mahou Shoujo Lalabel Maho Shojo Lalabel 魔法少女ララベル Wikipedia
Let’s make jewelry Давай, попробуй сделать бижутерию つくってみないアクセサリー
Let’s provide pets correctly! Давайте правильно содержать домашних животных! ペットをじょうずに飼いましょう
Limonade Лимонад ラムネ
Лулу, ангел цветов (1979) Lun Lun, Flower Angel Hana no Ko Lunlun 花の子ルンルン
Math Word quiz 数学ことばクイズ Mazinger Z . 1972 Momotaro Tales 桃太郎 Monkey-Crab Battle Tales さるかに合戦 Moomin . 1969 ムーミン Mr. Giant . 1964 ミスタージャイアンツ My Kimono わたしのきもの Naughty Robots わんぱくロボット Ogon Bat . 1967 黄金バット Oh my baseball? おやおや野球!? One point sticker ワンポイント・ステッカー
Math Word quiz Математическая викторина 数学ことばクイズ
Mazinger Z Majingā Zetto Tranzor Z マジンガーZ Wikipedia
Sasuga no Sarutobi. 1982 As expected Sarutobi Score of the game Scoring game Series Airplanes Hikoki series Shin Obake no Q-Tarou New ghost Q-Taro Silver Mask . 1971 Silver mask Sky kid Sky man Space Battleship Yamato . 1974 Space Battleship Yamato Space game Uchu game Space Sheriff Shaider . 1984 Space Sheriff Shaider Sport Robot Subo robot Sports fun Sports play Sports Series Sports series Starzinger . 1978 SF Nishiyuki Starzinger Stories in pictures of frogs Frog painting Super Kid Superman Superman Supernormal Various supernatural powers Inazuman Surprising pictures Oya Oya Manga
Sasuga no Sarutobi (1982) Chubby Ninja Chubby Ninja As expected Sarutobi
Score of the game The game score Scoring game
Series Airplanes Series Aircraft Hikoki series
Ghost Q-Taro (1971-1985) New Q-Taro the Ghost Shin Obake no Q-Tarou New ghost Q-Taro Wikipedia
Space Battleship Yamato Space Cruiser Yamato (1974) Uchuu Senkan Yamato Star Blazers – The Quest for Iscandar Space Battleship Yamato Wikipedia
Space game space game Uchu game
Space Sheriff Shaider (1984) Uchū Keiji Shaidā Space Sheriff Shaider Wikipedia
Sport Robots Robots in sports Subo robot
Sports fun sports fun Sports play
Sports Series Sports series
Science Fiction Saiyuki Starzinger (1978) Starzinger SF Journey to the West: Starzinger SF Saiyuuki Starzinger SF Saiyuki Starzinger Spaceketeers SF Nishiyuki Starzinger SF Nishiyuki Starzinger SF Nishiyuki Starzinger Wikipedia
Stories in pictures of frogs Picture stories about frogs Frog painting
Super Kid
Superman Superman Superman
Supernormal Superpowers Various supernatural powers Inazuman