Collecting gum packaging

Czech (Czech translation)
Vread on the server of chewing gum packaging collectors. If you came to this server by chance, do not leave immediately. You may find my passion interesting: collecting gum wrappers.
Chewing gum or "chewing gum" as a product changes its individual packaging, from a small paper wrapper (something like a chewing gum wrapper) to a vending machine. After use, the packaging becomes household waste and the object of collectors' attention. I am a collector of this collecting field - chewing gum (hereinafter ž.g.). Some common types of collecting on the topic of "chewing gum":
- No.1 - Chewing gum packaging and chewing gum packaging itself (without chewing gum)
- No.2 - Attachments (pictures inside the package itself)
- No.3 - The packaging itself (without printing, together with chewing gum)
- No.4 - Things related to chewing gum (vending machines for chewing gum, commercial appliances, advertising materials, etc.)

With the passage of time and the growth of collections, the knowledge of this field also increases, it is necessary to sort the packaging according to countries, production companies, molds and years of production. You also need to stop on a specific topic. I am interested in the topic: Packaging of chewing gum and the packaging of chewing gum (No. 1), the main theme is also popular here: packaging from sliced ​​chewing gum, the classic rectangular shape (No. 5). I only keep a detailed catalog about them and assign my number to each package. Today (July 5, 2015) I have 43,347 packaging from sliced ​​chewing gum in my collection. But in total, my collection currently contains more than 88,000 pieces of packaging and packages from chewing gum from 126 countries around the world. This passion fascinated me as a child, in the early 70's, true, along with other types of collectibles (brands, labels, coins and others). Then it became my hobby for many years.
Our collecting industry is widespread throughout the world, but the internet has given us the opportunity to meet and communicate with colleagues from different parts of the world. I managed to establish friendly relations with colleagues from the Czech Republic, USA, Chile, Japan, Korea. There are very few collectors in Russia and the former republics of the USSR, although in the 1970s and 1980s, collecting packaging and embedded pictures from chewing gum was very popular. A few years ago, the situation began to change and there was an increase in the activity of our collectors and age, not only like me and more young people, which I really enjoy. I would like to separate the Czechia. Surprisingly, our field is very widespread in this country, they even have a separate section in the Prague Collectors' Club, of which I am a member. I know many Czech collectors from pre-Internet times from correspondence. I managed to talk to them live in 2011, when I ended a week-long trip to various cities in the Czech Republic where my colleagues live (№07-12). By the way, the largest collection is located in the Czech Republic.
Encouraged by this Czech trip, in 2013 I decided to make another life dream come true. I visited Japan, met collectors, my longtime correspondents, and also participated in the TV show "TV Asahi," dedicated to Gum Day, which falls on June 1 in Japan (№13-19). The Japanese theme is very evident in my collection. In fact, it all started with Japanese packaging. And now the share of Japanese packaging and slices is sovereignly in the first place. Usually the countries of the Far East, in addition to Japan also South Korea, and in recent years also China, are very interested in our hobbies, their production of chewing gum is mainly in the form of slices with various nice themes, often devoted to film production, video games and comics. All this is a free space for collectors to work. I have already visited Korea, but it has not happened in China yet. I hope to fix this sometime in the future, but as experience shows, it is not always possible to buy something interesting when visiting China because it is too big a country. Sometimes you can buy Chinese chewing gum in an interesting package in other countries that are not located in China itself. I have such an experience myself, I bought interesting Chinese chewing gum in Cambodia, and then I got one from Mongolia, and these are countries where chewing gum was never produced. At least there are no collectors in the collections. For our pleasure, they appeared in the list of states of Ethiopia and Nepal (-2120-21). But "white" spots still remain on the list of producing countries.
Chewing gum is a very old product, it was patented in the USA in the middle of the 19th century. I myself own a box of chewing gum dated February 14, 1871 (№6). It's the oldest piece in my collection. I also have other, paper packaging, made at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.
But still, the main number of specimens in the collection consists of packaging from chewing gum produced in the last 40 years. However, there are also collectors who collect only old packaging until 1940. I supplement the collection mainly in exchange with colleagues, but sometimes I manage to find or buy small old collections, some people donated their children's collections to me.
There is a need to be interested in other different types of collectibles for exchange with collectors in other directions (coins, stamps, phone cards, cigarette boxes, chocolate packaging, etc.). Such a parallel meeting also leads to some enthusiasm. True, it is more the accumulation of an exchange fund than a collection. If I have to keep accumulating for exchange because of my main field (collecting), then there is no doubt that I will keep it that way. And when I gathered a sufficiently large collection of Samara transport badges (№24), a small website was created: Samara Transport Badges. I still have success with phone cards and chocolate packaging, but due to the large number of pieces, it is unlikely that such a website would be organized. There is not enough time to create a complete catalog of packaging from chewing gum on the Internet, not to mention other types of collectibles. I complete the collection by buying new chewing gum, whether visiting abroad or in Russian stores, but new pieces are very rare, and I am all the more pleased with the new chewing gum companies. Purchases to replenish the exchange fund necessary for the exchange are particularly suitable. I also actively use online auctions to gain new items.
Něco málo o mně, žiju v Samaře, jsem ženatý, mám dceru a vnučku, když se nestarám o žvýkačky tak musím samozřejmě pracovat, aby bylo za co nakupovat nové obaly. 🙂 .
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